
Utah Department of Transportation’s (UDOT) updated Long-Range Transportation Plan Public Comment Period

The Utah Department of Transportation’s (UDOT) Long-Range Transportation Plan is now available for review and public comment! The plan details rural Utah’s anticipated transportation needs for 2023 through 2050 and includes a list of proposed projects on state routes to address the outlined needs.

A key part of the planning process is involving the public in a meaningful way and we have appreciated your engagement to date. The public is encouraged to voice their input on the plan and proposed projects through July 25, 2023. The plan is available for review at udotinput.utah.gov/udotplanning.

The public is encouraged to provide feedback in the following ways:

Para obtener información sobre el Plan de Transporte de Largo Alcance en Español, visite udotinput.utah.gov/udotplanning-es.