
#TakePrideTooele Spring Clean Up

All information for our #TakePrideTooele Initiative can be found at tooelecity.gov/takepridetooele.

Community Projects

If you are looking for a clean up project but aren't sure what to do, then sign up for a community clean up project. You can find a list of available projects and more information HERE

#TakePrideTooele Day
Mayor Winn and the Tooele City Council invite you to join them on #TakePrideTooele Day - Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Meet at the Community Center (102 North 7th Street) at 9:00 a.m. The public will be helping to paint the Community Center. Paint and other supplies will be provided.

Neighborhood Clean Up Trailer
Interested in cleaning up your neighborhood? Reserve our Neighborhood Cleanup Trailer today at https://tooelecity.activityreg.com/selectfacility_t2.wcs or email cleanuptrailer@tooelecity.gov. Find more information about the clean up trailer HERE.

Extra Bulky Waste Pick Up Days
Everyone will also receive an extra bulky waste pick up day in May as part of our #TakePrideTooele Initiative. Find the schedule HERE.