

The Tooele City Mayor administrates and manages the many City Departments that provide quality public service to over 30,000 citizens. Mayor Debbie Winn wants to make sure residents are heard and encourages residents to call her office at 435.843.2104, or email dwinn@tooelecity.gov, with comments, questions, and concerns.

 Department  Director  Phone Number
Attorney  Roger Baker  435.843.2120
Community Development  Andrew Aagard  435.843.2132
Economic Development  Jared Stewart  435.843.2169
Engineering  Paul Hansen  435.843.2132
Finance  Shannon Wimmer  435.843.2150
Fire Department  Chief Matt McCoy  435.843.2200
Human Resources/Treasurer  Kami Perkins  435.843.2105
Information Technology  Chris Nielson  435.843.2262
Library  Chase Randall  435.882.2182
Mayor  Debbie Winn  435.843.2104
Parks & Recreation  Darwin Cook  435.843.2143
Public Works  Jamie Grandpre  435.843.2130
Police Department  Chief Adrian Day  435.882.8900
Recorder/Purchasing Agent  Michelle Pitt  435.843.2113


How Do I...
How do I schedule an appointment to meet with the Mayor?
The Tooele City Mayor has an open door policy, and citizens are always welcome to stop by City Hall; however, we encourage citizens to contact the Mayor’s Office at 435.843.2104 to schedule an appointment to ensure that the Mayor is available and has sufficient time to spend with them.
How do I schedule a tour of City Hall?
Many groups are interested in taking a tour of City Hall to learn more about our local government or to meet the Mayor. You can schedule a tour by calling the Mayor’s Office at 435.843.2104.

Tours are given during business hours upon availability: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We try to accommodate your group’s schedule as much as possible.
How do I add an event to the City's Event Calendar?
Event information for the City’s online Event Calendar can be emailed to shilob@tooelecity.gov, faxed to 435.843.2109, or hand-delivered to the Mayor’s Office at City Hall (90 North Main Street, Tooele). Tooele City reserves the right to decide what events will or will not be included on the calendar. If you have questions, you can call the Mayor’s Office at 435.843.2104.
How do I submit items to the City newsletter 'Ninety North Main'?
Items for the “Ninety North Main” newsletter can be emailed to shilob@tooelecity.gov, faxed to 435.843.2109, or hand-delivered to the Mayor’s Office at City Hall (90 North Main Street, Tooele). Tooele City reserves the right to decide what items will or will not be included in the newsletter. If you have questions, you can call the Mayor’s Office at 435.843.2104.
How do I add an event to the Marquee at Veterans Memorial Park?


The City’s Marquee (electronic message board) is located at Veterans Memorial Park on the corner of Main Street and Vine Street in downtown Tooele. Marquee Messages can be submitted online, emailed to clarissap@tooelecity.gov, faxed to 435.843.2109, or hand-delivered to the Mayor’s Office at City Hall (90 North Main Street, Tooele). Tooele City reserves the right to decide what messages will or will not be advertised on the marquee. If you have questions, you can call the Mayor’s Office at 435.843.2104.